automated invoice processing for sap

You can use the full potential of both your team and the SAP software by managing the accounts payable process much more effectively in SAP. The best way to do this is to use an automated invoice processing solution that provides full integration with SAP. This greatly reduces error-prone manual data entry. With automatic invoice processing; Saving time, reducing operational costs and making the workflow more efficient are the most important benefits of a business.

Collecting Invoices

Invoices can reach your company from many points and in different formats. The first step of automatic invoice processing is to quickly transfer incoming invoices to the system and make them digitally readable. An e-mail attachment, a PDF file or a photo of a paper invoice can be introduced into the system. Thus, all invoices, whether paper or electronic, enter the automatic processing cycle within the SAP system. In doing so, we use e-mail listening or folder watch methods.

Invoice Extraction

onVision solution, which supports 119 languages ​​and can extract data from handwritten invoices, easily analyzes every invoice template from suppliers with machine learning feature and transfers them to the system with SAP connector.

Try onVision invoice extraction for free!

Verification and Invoice Routing

With the business rules-based verification procedure determined according to your workflows, matching with the data registered in SAP is ensured. Approval and user management requirements are determined for employees and managers in the AP department.

Thus, invoices are automatically routed to authorized budget owner for review and approval. With easier control and matching with purchase orders, the accounting department can shift its work to much more important, strategic areas.

Approval and Authorization

Automatic invoice processing speeds up the approval process in SAP and minimizes errors. Automatic forwarding of invoices to the relevant employee optimizes effective invoice management. Both employee satisfaction increases and supplier relations are improved.

Payment and Archiving

The final step in automated invoice processing is payment and archiving. After an invoice is approved, payment of the invoice is initiated automatically in SAP. All stages of invoice processing can be easily monitored and controlled at any time. This increases transaction transparency and compliance with official regulations. Audit preparation and ease of reporting make a big difference.